Saturday, February 14, 2009

D&C 11

Section 11 is written to Hyrum Smith, the brother of Joseph Smith. This is a very powerful revelation and if we "liken the scriptures unto ourselves" it should be influential to our testimony and way of life.

In particular, verse 5 shows that if we pray, we will receive answers. This should be such an important part of our daily lives. Prayers is THE most important act of faith we can exercise to become closer to our Heavenly Father. There are many other things we can do, scripture study, church, fasting, etc. But I feel that prayer will help us become more in tune with the gospel than any other tool in our possession.

Verse 7 shows us the true meaning of being rich. Money is not something we should strive for. Money is not something that should dictate how we live our lives. We should look for wisdom and the mysteries of God will be unfolded. Here is wisdom: I had an epitome the other day. Call me slow :) but I always wanted to know the mysteries of God. I studied the scriptures, prayed, went to the temple, but to no avail. I was still left in the dark as to the mysteries of God, or so I thought. When Mitt Romney was running for the Republican nomination for president ( I would have voted for him, by the way) it became clear to me that I had already received many mysteries of God, but just didn't know it. Mysteries like the true nature of God, Heaven, Other Sheep and so forth. Just by being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we are entitled to many mysteries that the world has yet to learn.

Verse 12 a very clear definition of how we should live our lives.

Verses 13-14 : This is the way we can know when our prayers have been answered.

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